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Homeschooling 2022: The take back of our children

Most of us are all too familiar with all the changes and new agendas within our public schools. They are fighting to let boys into girl's' rooms and telling children that their race is bad and evil.

Telling black children that they are too stupid for the real world, and they must be hand-held and babied in order to survive. That they can't think for themselves and are treated as if they were animals that need tending to. Telling white children that no matter what they say or do, they are evil racists who don't deserve to be alive.

They are also pushing gender ideology and sexuality onto our kids as young as kindergarten. They are requiring Critical Race Theory while not caring if children past basic math, reading, or writing skills. It's very tragic. It's leading children to have more anxiety about fitting into society and causing depression. By ''being woke'', they are destroying our future and causing more diversion in the country.

That's why more and more parents, myself included, that want to save our kids from these menaces to society. They are preparing to homeschool or are already doing it. Homeschooling allows us parents to know what our kids are actually learning. What values they are absorbing and protecting them against this agenda for their sexualization.

Public Schools have stepped majorly out of their prescribed roles and are trying to become the parents. They believe they have to right to stuff their propaganda down our kid's throat but say it's indoctrination if we decide to teach our kids our own values and morals. They can indoctrinate the children, but we cannot. They can tell our kids that it's ok to change their gender at the age of 7, but they can't know God because they are ''too young'' and ''not wise enough'' to make that decision.

They can teach them to hate their race, but they can't learn that Jesus Christ came to save all races and His Blood redeems us all. They don't care that they are causing little kids to have depression, anxiety, and their suicide rate go up. That they are confusing them and leading them down a path of destruction. A path not good for their growth or mental health. The wrong path. That's why people are turning to homeschool.

Homeschool is becoming the answer to parents that don't want their children to grow up in this wicked system. Parents are taking back the power to raise our kids how we want and not how the government thinks we should. With the help of the internet, it is becoming easier to teach kids from home. To make sure they are actually learning and not being indoctrinated.

Of course, they are trying to say it's only religious fanatics that don't want their kids in public school, but with the Covid-19 vaccines and the state trying to force parents to allow their children to be taught anything their teachers say are ''necessary'' is adding to the spike in homeschooling. It isn't just conservatives, but all parents that care for their child's education.

We send our kids to school to learn their ABCs and 123s. Not to be taught gender ideology and calling their teachers by their ''proper pronouns". That girls are better than boys. That POCs are better than white people. They are changing the real history of our country and watering down the basics for their own gain. But we can take it back.

It was always about coming for our kids. It was always about taking the power away from parents and making the kids believe they know more than their own families. Now when most of us think of homeschool we think of a sheltered, unsocial able, can't function in the world kid. They can't relate to people and heck probably can't even use a phone! We think of them as cavemen that just discovered fire or toddlers just learning to walk at the age of 18.

That is what the movies, TV shows, documentaries, and talk shows love to show us. That this is what will happen to your kid if you decide to homeschool them. And we have bought in to it for the most part. But we have to remember that this was how most kids grew up in the past. Most were taught everything at home. Of course, not all learned to read and/or write, but they learned the basics to survive in the world. To one day leave or takeover their families and still manager in the real world.

So, this rhetoric that our children will become these socially awkward cavemen is just wrong. Let us remember what public school was actually created for. Were they not created for the purpose of factory workers? To make children use to the 8-hour shift and lined rows. This was the purpose of it right? Then where does this need of social contact that you can't for some reason get at home?

For centuries kids were taught at home and were still able to function outside the home. There are many homeschool kids that go off to college with wonderful social skills and great intelligence. They are wonderful members of society and are of no risk. They come from God-fearing homes, eco-friendly homes, and every other home you can think of. African American homes especially seem taken with homeschool as more are seeing the awful school conditions they have for our kids.

The dawn of homeschooling is upon us, and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. How do you feel about homeschool? Do you feel it's old, outdated, and obsolete? Do you prefer public school? We are saving our kids through homeschooling. We parents are taking back our power! Leave your comments below!

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