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How to cling to God while feeling numb

Following God when you're in a dry season can be hard. The feeling that you want to lay in bed and forget the world outside. God is ever present and yet he feels so far away all the same. You don't want to give up just because ''you don't feel like it''. We all want to remain strong and fight these temptations and wade through the storm.

But I know firsthand how tough this can really be. You feel dead inside and seem to read the Bible with no affect or change on your heart. Praying doesn't seem to help. You turn to the Saints for help, and it feels like our prayers fall on deaf ears. Its feels as if you are really alone in this world.

But we won't stay like this forever. As long as we continue to turn to God and His Church, we have hope. As long as we continue to get our knees and seek His Kingdom first, we will be healed. I have 3 ways that can help us in those times when we feel numb and far from God.

Pray Anyway

Just pray to God anyway. Even when it's tough and would rather be doing anything else but talk to God. But that's exactly what we need to be doing, talking to God. Especially in our silence. He speaks very clearly in our silence and sometimes we need to just sit with Him. He wants to talk to us, and He wants to be let into our hearts.

Even when we feel like we can't hear Him, He is close and every listening. We are told to pray in ALL situations. Whether we are happy, sad, frustrated, and numb. Because God works through all situations. Our prayer is an invitation for Him to enter us and heal us.

Read your Bible

Don't forget that it's also important to read your Bible daily. To the let the Word of God wash over you and your troubles. I don't know about you but even when I'm not feeling close to God, getting into the Word does wonders. I love reading my Bible because it makes me hunger. It makes me thirst after God.

Like now I'm rereading the Gospels and studying closely the words of Jesus. In this state of numbness, I can slow down and actually listen to God's promises. I can listen to His love without looking for that one verse to ''make me feel good'' about myself. I can just let God come to me and reveal Himself.


Going to church and being a part of your church community are very important. Especially in seasons of dryness and when you feel uncertain on your walk with God. As an introvert who has a hard time trusting people this is an area I need to work on myself. Because having that community will help you to not feel alone, for God didn't design us to be alone.

We need those people that will pray for/with us. That will give good sound advice that will lead you toward heaven and not towards hell. That group that you can have Bible studies with and have family fun get togethers. They will understand your numbness toward God and will work with you through that time. Having a good Christian community that share your beliefs and practices will give you strength to fight the devil and his demons.


We all go through dry seasons and times when we doubt or times when we just don't feel close to God. But we don't have to remain there. God has given us the tools we need and all the graces to pull us out of these times. Sometimes He wants us there for some reason but in order to persist in our fight for heaven we should use these basic tools.

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