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Slow Down and Repeat

Pslam 86:15-''...Slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.''

Patience is a virtue. A long time saying of ours, but the meaning of it holds the weight of Gods truth. I am the first to admit I don't have the best patience. I can have a quick temper and can move through things pretty quickly.

Being a single mom can have me on the go a lot. I have a busy schedule now that my son is in Pre-K, and I have restarted college with a 1-year-old who isn't in daycare at the moment as my car is broke down. My first blessing is that I am doing college online, so I don't have to leave my house to go to a class. My second blessing is that my car is being fixed, if not as fast as I want it to be.

My life has seem to hit a standstill. I can't get around to do things I want to do, and I have to rely on others in a nig way that I haven't done since I moved out of state. I have recently had a falling out with my best friend of 20 years, my finances are deplorable, and I feel my life is totally out of my control.

The Lord couldn't be louder than He is right now. I have been so busy and trying to be self-reliant and not depending on Him as I should. He has taken away almost everything that made me feel secure. My car, my money, and control over my schedule. He has wiped them out this past month and I have been in panic mode.

It has been rough, satan and his demons have tried to crush me with lies against who the Father says I am. I have felt like a bad mother, a bad daughter, and friend. And I have felt lost like haven't felt in a while.

But God is with me. I realize how much worldliness I still have in me. The Lord is teaching me to slow down. I am so use to being busy, but He is telling me to slow down. Another thing He is teaching me is something I hate to do which is repeat. I hate repeating things such as movies, books, or conversations. If I already know about it, I don't want to repeat it.

I have done this with the Bible as well. Only reading something once and then moving on. Always trying to find something new. But with my life in the chaos state that it is I found myself rereading the Gospels and I mean deeply driving into them. He has had me visit the same chapter and verse day after day. I have gotten the most of Pslam 86 though. I have gotten the most peace slowing down and rereading the same verses every day.

While my life may seem at a standstill, the Lord is moving. He is moving slowly and at His own pace. He is making me slow down as well. I am starting to see the beauty in slowing down. It gives us time to let the Lord move in our lives.

What do you think about slowing down or having to repeat things? Leave your comments below!

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