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Ways to Share the Faith

Updated: May 28, 2022

Your friend approaches you with the same old conversation that you have heard a thousand times.

''My life isn't great, and I feel like I don't a purpose for my life.''

''Give your life to Jesus! He cares and your purpose is for His Glory!''

I don't know about you, but before I found Christ again this response would have turned me off and kept me away from God. I know we all want ways where we can share the faith that doesn't come on too strong. We don't want to turn people away from Christ but lead them to Him and all His Goodness.

We want to show how He is the purpose for our lives and following God is the most fulfilled we will ever feel. That the ways of this world are of the devil and is leading us down the wide and easy road. So, how do we do that? I have 3 ways in which we can share the faith discreetly.

Lead by Example

One of the best ways we can do this is by being an example to others. Actively living out our faith is one of the best ways we can show people how living for Christ is like. Giving alms, going to Mass every Sunday and obligation day, and forgiving our enemies will have anyone asking questions. Why do you give money or clothes even if you're poor? Why go to church every Sunday, isn't it ok to skip a few? And why are you still nice to that person who has hurt you so much? We do it because it's what God commanded us to do.

It is great way to show the example of the love of Christ and how we are called to imitate to Him. To show how fulfilling it is. It's the perfect time to tell how Christ brought you out of your own sin and to show that even though the world says we are crazy, we wouldn't want to live any other way than for Our Lord. That our lives were bleak and sorrowful before we came into the light of Christ.

Sharing in Someone's Life

In order for us make good disciples, we must BE good disciples. We should share in people's lives. We should actually care about them and know what their struggles are. Conversion isn't one simple talk and then BOOM they're saved. We know that conversion can take a lifetime and just coming to Jesus isn't the end. We need to be the person they can come to when in doubt and we can softly tell them how Jesus and His Church are the way.

We need to really listen to them and be a true friend and companion. No one will take us seriously if we see them as a project or someone to ''convert''. We should be sincere about how we care for them and their loved ones. Being a real friend will show Christs love for them and can soften their hearts towards Him.

Sacred Images & Sacramentals

Now we Catholics know how powerful sacred images can be! Having a physical reminder of Our Lord, Our Lady, and those who have gone before us can have a big impact! Also, it's the perfect opening for people to ask questions. Wearing a brown scapular? Someone will keep telling you that your tag is out. Praying your rosary during your lunch break? Somebody is going to want to know why your summoning demons (we know Mama Mary keeps the demons at bay lol).

Having blessed objects on your desk or in front of our house will have people wondering and will give you the chance to talk about your faith. Having a picture of St. Therese or St. Charbel (two of my favorites) will have people wondering who they are and why you have their picture. Heck, even having a picture of an Asian or Black Mother Mary and Jesus will have automatic questions coming your way! We can explain the universal Church with pictures and object and explain how Jesus died for ALL of us. Not just a select few.


So, you see, we don't have to be that one that everyone finds annoying trying to share their religion. But by just being an example of Christ, sharing in people's lives, and having physical reminders of our faith can be the door that opens up someone's heart to God. Be the light that Christ called us be. The one shouting the in the wilderness "The Kingdom of God is at hand!''. And we do this by actually loving the ones around us. Let us love one another as Christ has loved us. But let me hear your thoughts! How do you share the faith? Leave your comments below!

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